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School dinners

We are delighted to provide parents with essential information regarding our school's nutritious and balanced school dinner program. At Cumwhinton School, we understand the importance of a well-rounded diet in fostering academic success and healthy development. Our dedicated kitchen staff works diligently to prepare daily meals that not only taste delicious but also meet stringent nutritional standards.

Our school dinners are meticulously planned to offer a variety of options that cater to diverse dietary preferences and restrictions. We ensure that each meal incorporates essential food groups, including fruits, vegetables, proteins, and grains, to promote a balanced and healthy diet for all our students.

Parents can access the school dinner menu on our website, allowing them to review meal options in advance. We encourage open communication with our kitchen staff and are always available to address any dietary concerns or special requests. Our commitment to transparency and nutrition ensures that parents can have peace of mind knowing their children are receiving nourishing meals during their time at Cumwhinton School.

We firmly believe that a healthy diet plays a pivotal role in a student's overall academic performance and well-being. Our school dinner program exemplifies our dedication to providing the best possible educational environment for your child.